Mural of “The Greeting – The Old Pee Dee” on the side of the former Paipoonge Museum, just outside of Thunder Bay.
Brian’s mural of “The Greeting – The Old Pee Dee” on the side of the Paipoonge Museum outside of Thunder Bay. In early June 2008 I took a friend to the border with me, and on the way showed her this mural…The mural was painted on corrugated metal (making it very difficult to do) and Brian, the artist, actually painted the scene with extended additions to the left and right of the scene, as compared to the original painting. As I was telling her how i liked this view so much and as it created incredible depth to the mural, a young fawn deer appeared in the meadow …. the deer got spooked by a back-firing truck behind us and started running, and ran smack into the side of the mural/building as it tried to run down the railway tracks depicted in the mural!!! What a testament to the artist’s ability, sure wish I had a video camera for that ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ testimonial to put on You-Tube! ~ Incredible.